Law School Bingo with Instructions for Players! 10/18

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Law School Bingo with Instructions for Players! 10/18

Post by SBA »

Law School Bingo!!

Join your SBA for our annual BINGO Event:
Sunday, Oct 18 (no Bills game)
4p – 6p
Sign on starting at 3:30p if you have questions regarding playing.

First game up – the Dean will be calling numbers for a $100 gift card!!!
- Additional faculty calling games include Professors Boucai, French, Abraham, Long and others!!

- More prizes include:
o Bar Course Certificates
o Target Gift Cards compliments of Lexis-Nexis
o A customized pet portrait from VD Patterson and pet supply gift card from SBA
o School of Law clothing
o And others to be announced...
o Plus every student playing will receive a gift from the law school!!

Register to play at this link:
OR by emailing - make sure to provide your name, class year (1L etc.), and current mailing address (We need to know where to send your prizes!)

BINGO Player Instructions

1. You will be utilizing 2 browsers on your screen
a. one for your e-bingo card (unless you print it out) and
b. one for the ZOOM room where the game or letter/number combinations will be called out.
2. BINGO Zoom Room: ... ZqdnJwQT09 Meeting ID: 949 0954 7249
Passcode: 356319

to join the Zoom call starting at 3:45p.
BINGO will start as close to 4p as possible – so don’t be late for the first game! (I hear there is a $100 gift card for the winner!)

3. Any time on Sunday 10/18 before 3:45p, click this link to activate your bingo cards (14 cards for 14 games and prizes!!).
This will bring you to a page asking for your name when you are a new player. Enter it and click “Join Game”
a. A player code will be given.
i. Be sure to save or write down this code so you can access your bingo cards if you close the page.
ii. If you do close the page, click the same link sent out in the email and under the “Returning players” section, enter your player code.

4. Click “Play Now”

5. This will bring you to your bingo card(s). You will be able to see your card number, which may be needed if (or when) you win BINGO.

6. Mark your cards virtually on the browser by clicking each letter-number combination as called out by our faculty bingo callers.
a. You can also print the card if you wish.

7. When you believe you have bingo, call it out in the zoom call. Your card will be verified.

8. When a game is restarted, hit “Reset” above your card to clear it for the new game and your next card.

Good luck!!
Bingo Instructions for 10.18.pdf
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