BLR Casenote Roundtable 5/11

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Student Life
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Joined: Tue May 29, 2018 12:10 pm

BLR Casenote Roundtable 5/11

Post by Student Life »

FOR 1Ls: This event is an informal informational session where current Law Review members will discuss their experience with the Casenote and offer tips and advice about how to complete it. There will be time for questions from applicants as well.

Wednesday, May 11
Rm 106 O’Brian Hall
Or ZOOM (link provided below)

Contact: Eamon Danieu

Topic: Buffalo Law Review Casenote Roundtable
Time: May 11, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting ... ZFL3p6UT09

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Passcode: 065979
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