Message from Prof. Monestier - Register for Sales Course

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Message from Prof. Monestier - Register for Sales Course

Post by OOC »

Dear 2Ls and 3Ls,

Welcome back to school—hope you all had a good break! I haven’t had the opportunity to meet with many of you, since I’m new on faculty.
I wanted to send you a quick message to make a plug for considering taking Sales (one of two courses I’m teaching this semester). Sales covers sale of goods transactions under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code. It’s admittedly not the most fascinating of topics (if I’m being honest!), but it is a great refresher of Contracts and it is heavily tested on the bar exam.

While Sales is considered an advanced Contracts class, I proceed on the assumption that you don’t remember/haven’t covered anything but the most basic topics. We always start by reinforcing the common law rules before moving to the Sales rules. The amount of reading is very manageable and most concepts will seem at least remotely familiar to you.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out.

Prof. Monestier
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