Commencement Ticket & Cord Pick-Up Information – Starting April 22

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Student Life
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Commencement Ticket & Cord Pick-Up Information – Starting April 22

Post by Student Life »

Graduating students participating in Commencement may pick up their tickets and student group cords (information below) in the CSO Office Rm 609 from April 22 through May 10. You will be required to complete the CSO exit interview to pick up your Commencement tickets.

Questions about Commencement, please see Amy Atkinson, Director of Student Life & Commencement Coordinator, Rm 412 O’Brian or check out our website:

As part of Commencement, we offer the opportunity for graduating 3Ls and LLMs the opportunity to signify their participation in various student activities by wearing “cords” during the Commencement Ceremony. Cords are complimentary (FREE of CHARGE) on behalf of the School of Law and SBA.

Information about the cords/colors and what they signify is printed in our Commencement Program.
Student Groups (Social – SBA , PAD etc…) = tri-color of red, white and blue
Affinity Groups/ Identity-Based (BLSA, LALSA, OUTLaw etc..) = royal blue
Law Review = gold
Journals (IP, Human Rights, Environ.) = green
Mediation, Moot Court Teams / Board (Desmond, Wechsler, ADR etc.) (non-credit trial teams only) = purple

BPLIP will continue to offer their cords (maroon) with a donation of $10 which can be worn with or in lieu of academic regalia. Cords may be purchased in the Clinic Office Rm 507.

Please note if students participate in more than one group, you can wear multiple cords from different disciplines. If a student participates in multiple social groups – for example they are a member of PAD and DVTF, they will only be permitted to wear one cord signifying participation in “Student Social Groups”.

Student will be responsible for bringing cord(s) to ceremony.

And congratulations on your achievement!
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