Centennial Tea: A Virtual Roundtable with Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner - 10/1

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Centennial Tea: A Virtual Roundtable with Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner - 10/1

Post by SBA »

The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 was planned over tea, and now we’re having a tea party of our own. The women's suffrage movement was steeped in issues of exclusivity, but “Centennial Tea: A Virtual Roundtable with Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner” welcomes everyone to the table.

Dr. Wagner’s presentation re-centers lesser known voices into the conversation, namely the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) women who inspired and influenced 19th century suffragettes. Our roundtable honors the progress that has been made while investigating what work still needs to be done.

One hundred years after women gained the right to vote, many of our citizens encounter voter suppression tactics and discrimination at the polls. Now, more than ever, civic engagement is essential to the survival of our democracy. We encourage you to read up on current voting issues and bring your own thoughts and perspective to our virtual roundtable.

Recommended Article Reading:

Voter Suppression Tactics: "This Law Makes Voting Nearly Impossible for Native Americans in Montana"


Discrimination at the Polls: "Thin and Thick Conceptions of The Nineteenth Amendment Right to Vote and Congress's Power to Enforce It"


Settle in at home with your favorite tea and snack, and join us for a virtual evening of critical discussion, collaboration, and celebration.

RSVP here: https://buffalo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItc-qupzktHtSF509KxWgW8s_KqRgAE36Z.
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