26th Annual BPILP (Virtual) Auction & Social Event

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26th Annual BPILP (Virtual) Auction & Social Event

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2021 Virtual Auction & Social Event

The School of Law’s Buffalo Public Interest Law Program (BPILP) is excited to announce a virtual silent auction and a live Zoom event where we will celebrate our student’s work this past year!

“There Is No Justice Without Equal Access” is BPILP’s motto, and this is a reminder that our summer BPILP Fellowships are needed now more than ever.

The work of our BPILP Summer Fellows continues as they pursue summer public interest positions and access to justice within our community. With the money raised from the auction, BPILP provides fellowships to law students who spend their summers working in the public interest. The agencies where our fellows work are often understaffed and need additional assistance, but are unable to pay students. BPILP fellowships "bridge the gap" and allow students to work in the public interest while receiving support from a summer stipend. Thank you for your supporting us in the following ways!

For all details, to donate, bid on auction items and register for the social event, visit the event website at https://www.law.buffalo.edu/bpilp/auction.html .

1. Donations: In an effort to encourage attendance at this virtual event, BPILP has decided to forego tickets and make this event free to all. In lieu of ticket costs, BPILP would greatly appreciate a donation in any amount. Visit https://crowdfunding.buffalo.edu/bpilpauction to make a donation!

2. Auction: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our annual auction will be held “virtually” this year. The auction is already open and bidding has begun and will close on April 27. Bid early and bid often on gift cards, sports tickets, dinner with professors, original art, a bar review course and more! The link to all the fabulous items at http://32auctions.com/BPILP2021.

3. Social Event:
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (EDT) | via Zoom
Register to attend at: https://www.law.buffalo.edu/bpilp/auction.html
University at Buffalo School of Law Summer Public Interest Funding & Fellowship Program
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