ABA Survey

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ABA Survey

Post by OOC »

American Bar Association Survey for 3Ls

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, most accredited law schools, with the acquiescence of the Council of the ABA Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, delivered all, or a substantial number of, course credits for their J.D. programs through distance education during 2020-21. For a number of law schools, this use of distance education in their J.D. programs was a totally new experience. For other law schools that had been offering distance education within the parameters permitted by the standards governing accredited law schools, their use of distance education during the pandemic was significantly expanded.

The Council is considering whether the current Standards governing distance education in the delivery of J.D. programs should be revised, and, if so, what revisions should be made. Law students’ extensive experience with distance education during the pandemic can provide the Council with useful information to assist it in undertaking this review. Accordingly, the Council of the ABA Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, requests that you fill out and return this questionnaire:

https://americanbar.qualtrics.com/jfe/f ... S7OEmfnLgi

Deadline: Please complete this survey by Friday, March 4, at 12 p.m. CST.
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