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UB Law Trial Team Info Sessions / Tryouts

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:56 pm
by AdvocacyInstitute
Interested in trying out for UB Law's Trial Team?

Please join us at one of these informational sessions:

In Person:
Wednesday March 30 - 12-1 pm
Francis M. Letro Courtroom, 1st floor O’Brian

By Zoom:
Thursday March 31 - 7:30-8:30 pm ... U5bHgrUT09

Meeting ID: 941 6694 6352
Passcode: 501027

Current Trial Team students will answer your questions, and they will be available to help you prepare for your try out, if you like.

For your try out, you should submit a Letter of Interest and Commitment, answer the below questions, and email it to Jennifer Scharf, Trial Advocacy Program Director at JRSCHARF@BUFFALO.EDU. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR LETTER SENT BY MAY 3, 2022 at 5:00 pm, OR IT WILL NOT BE REVIEWED.

1. State your first and last name, and provide your preferred name.
2. State what year you are in law school currently
3. State whether you have taken Evidence and when (or if you are planning to take it Fall 2022)
4. State whether you have taken Trial Technique and when (or if you are planning to take it Fall 2022)
5. State any other relevant experience you have (prior mock trial, debate, or public speaking)
6. Tell us why you would be a great trial team member
7. Please tell us that you will be committed to being on a team if you are selected, and you will dedicate yourself to hard work on that team.

NOTE: Trial Team is a credit-bearing class called "Trial Advocacy," and it is by-invitation-only after try-outs (3 credits per semester for up to 6 credit hours, however you are not required to register for credit to be on a trial team). Trial Teams compete in national competitions against other top tier trial schools. Trial Team meets various evenings during the week (to the schedule of your coaches and you -- we typically ask you to leave Tuesday and Thursday nights available for practices) and at least one weekend day during competition season; practices typically start in the beginning of the school year and run through mid- to late-October.

You will be notified by email if you made a trial team. Please note that we have a lot more students wanting to participate than spaces on teams -- if you do not make a team this semester, we strongly encourage you to try out again at the end of the semester for a Spring team! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email.

Jennifer R. Scharf, Esq.
716.220.4875 (Mobile)