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ACS Town Hall Event - Sexual Assault & the Law 10/24

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:54 am
by SBA
ACS Town Hall Event on Sexual Assault and the Law
Wednesday, Oct 24
5p – 7p
Rm 107

Join ACS, SBA, BLSA, LALSA, OUTLAW, WOMEN OF BUFFALO LAW for a discussion of the recent Supreme Court confirmation process and in-depth conversation about sexual assault in America as well as in the legal field. Professors Bartholomew, Chiesa, Gargano, Olin and Steilen will lead the open discussion and engage in conversation beginning with the recent Supreme Court hearing and confirmation process and its larger impact in regards to sexual assault culture in this country.

Panelist will then dig deeper into a conversation about this form of assault and how it is not regularly addressed in our legal system, the burden of proof for it seems to not be clear, and more negative impacts affect the victims who come forward rather than the aggressors, the professors can engage in their thoughts on this and possible solutions from their personal experiences.

Refreshments will be served.

Contact: Mohammed Alam and Alana Bernhardt