Judicial internship opportunity, open to 2L and 3L students.

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Student Life
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Joined: Tue May 29, 2018 12:10 pm

Judicial internship opportunity, open to 2L and 3L students.

Post by Student Life »

The National Association of Women Judges, New York Chapter (NAWJ-NY), is delighted to share the following judicial internship opportunity, open to 2L and 3L students.

NAWJ-NY is offering an eight-week unpaid virtual and/or in-person judicial internship program tentatively to commence February 5, 2024 and end March 29, 2024. The program is intended to offer 2L and 3L students an opportunity to complete their 50-hour pro-bono requirement for bar admission while working in tandem with presiding judges and justices throughout New York State.

Students who are interested should email lfoote@nycourts.gov with subject line “NAWJ Judicial Internship Spring 2024” and include the following separate attachments: 1) Resume; 2) Cover Letter (stating the student’s area of interest); 3) Writing Sample; and 4) Unofficial Transcript. The submission deadline is January 15, 2024.
nawj spring 2024 flyer (002).png
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