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1L Westlaw and Lexis Training

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:17 am
by student svcs lib
Hello all!

I hope you have all had a great break and the happiest of New Year's! We have some great things happening during the Spring Semester so stay tuned!

I am writing to let you know the times and dates of the 1L Westlaw and Lexis training coming up in a just a couple of weeks. Many of your professors require your attendance so make sure to put the trainings on your calendars.

They are as follows:

Westlaw w/ Estee Waxman: Wed. 1/17 at 2:00pm to 2:50pm
Lexis w/ Celine Conway: Wed. 1/17 at 3:00pm to 3:50pm

Each session will take place in 106 O'Brian Hall.

If you cannot attend but would like to, please reach out so we can come up with a good solution for you. And as always, if you need anything, the library is here to help!

Looking forward to a great semester,