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JLSA: Freedom Seder

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:45 am
by SBA
The first-ever Freedom Seder was held on April 4th, 1969, exactly one year after Martin Luther King Jr.'s death. This seder was not the typical Passover Seder but instead intertwined with the stories of other affinity groups, highlighting the joint themes of liberation and freedom present within them.

JLSA is excited to announce that on April 24th, they will be hosting a Freedom Seder on the sixth floor of the Law Library from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please join them as they continue this tradition. During their Seder, they will delve into the universal quests for freedom and equality and the stories that exemplify them. Of course, it would not be a seder without food.